Only two more weeks in quarter 3

Thank you to those parents that signed and returned the AR print-outs. You have earned your child $500 on Monday.

It has been announced that The Reading Challenge is back on! For the next two weeks we are asking the students to read voraciously and accumulate as many points as possible. I am expecting that many of my students will meet and exceed their AR goals! Read! read! read!

I am having my AR goal party on Wednesday, March 13th at lunch. Some of the students expressed a desire for Pizza. Can we make this happen? I’ll be asking for help and donations as it gets closer.

Just a reminder that all Lit Circle packets are due this Monday morning and that the t-shirt project will be worn and shared on Wednesday, March 13th at 8:30 am.

Tuesday is our 4th grade writing test! We are ready!

Thursday we are going to the movies. We are still looking for drivers.

Thursday night is the Science Fair 6 -7:30 pm… I’ll see you there!

Parent Conferences start on Thursday as well.

So much is happening, I hope that I am keeping you up to date. Please feel free to contact me with any questions at any time!




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